Change is Coming...

What is happening?

Keeping pace with increasing demand for programs and the rise in technology's pivotal role for philanthropy, TAG is updating its toolstack in order to better meet the needs of its members. We will be changing our association membership system (AMS) provider from YourMembership to Fonteva.

Coinciding with this planned migration, we'll be introducing an updated website, designed to offer both members and visitors a more modern, intuitive design with enhanced functionality. 


Tuesday, May 21 @ 6 PM ET: Member login disabled on current website + membership portal.

Thursday, May 23 @ 5 PM ET: The new TAG website + membership portal is live! Current members will recieve an email with instructions on how to access the new system.

What does this mean for me?

Upon the completion of TAG's planned migration, members will have:

Our goal in implementing these changes is to further empower and support our community of leaders, learners, and problem-solvers in philanthropy.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

Need Help?

Are you having trouble logging into the new membership portal?

Is your membership information incorrect or incomplete?

Have you discovered a bug on our site?

Is there an accessibility issue that needs to be addressed?